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Smartphone codes

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Samsung smartphone codes.

*#06# - IMEI number will be displaying.
*#*#2664#*#* – Touch Screen Test Code.
*#*#0*#*#* - LCD Test.
*#*#2664#*#* - Touch Screen Test.
*#*#3264#*#* – RAM Version Test
*#*#34971539#*#* - Camera Information.
*#*#232338#*#* – WiFi Mac Address.
*#*#1472365#*#* – GPS Test.
*2767*3855# - Factory Reset Code (All phone data will be deleted )
*#*#4636#*#* – Phone and Battery Information.
*#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* – code to back up all media files.
*#*#197328640#*#* – Service Test Mode Code.
*#*#1111#*#* – FTA Software Version.
*#*#1234#*#* – PDA and firmware version.
*#*#232339#*#* – Wireless LAN Test Code.
*#*#0842#*#* – Back Light & Vibration Test Code.
*#12580*369# - Software and Hardware Information.
*#9090# - Diagnostic Configuration.
*#872564# - USB Login Control.
*#301279# – HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu.
*#7465625# - Phone lock status.
*#*#7780#*#* - Factory Re-Store Setting All system data will be deleted including Google accounts.
*2767*3855# - Factory Format Setting. All internal and external data will be deleted and firmware will be re-installed.
*#*#4636#*#* - Phone and Battery Information.
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* – file copy screen. All images, sounds, videos, voice memos can be backed up.
*#*#197328640#*#* – Service Mode Code. Different tests and settings to change.
*#*#7594#*#* – This code will convert your ind call/power button into a direct power of button.
*#*#8255#*#* – G Talk Service Monitor Code.
*#*#34971539#*#* - Camera Information. Don't use the camera firmware update option. This will stop your camera function.
W-LAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:
*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* or *#*# 528#*#* – W-LAN Test Code. Use menu button to start testing.
*#*#1575#*#* - Another GPS Test Code.
*#*#232331#*#* – Bluetooth Test Code.
*#*#232337#*# – Bluetooth Device Information
*#*#0588#*#* – Proximity Sensor Test.
*#*#0283#*#* - Packet Loop Back.
*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*# 0289#*#* – Melody Test.
*#*#2663#*#* - Touch Screen Version.
*#9900# - system

Tecno Android Mobile Secret Codes

Here you can get all dialing USSD Android Secret codes of any Tecno Mobile. You can reset device, test hardware and know software info with these codes.

Tecno Impotarnt Android Secret Code:

Secret CodesDescription
*#06# Displays IMEI Number
*#*#2664#*#* Android Device Touch-Screen test
*#*#0289#*#* Device Audio test
*#*#4636#*#* Display information about Android Phone, Battery and Usage statistics
*#*#3264# Device Ram version
*#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac-address
*#*#7780#*#* Reset Android device. Erase all your device data like photos, apps, and settings, etc.
*#*#64663#*#* QC Test (All tests)
*#000000# Use this code to enter your Tecno’s Service Menu
###337*07# Using following code, will master reset your Tecno device when your sim card is inserted.

Hardware Test & Software Info Cods list 

Secret CodesDescription
*#*#1472365#*#* Quick GPS Test
*#*#1575#*#* A Different Type GPS Test
*#*#0*#*#* Android Device LCD display test
*#*#0842#*#* Vibration and Backlight test
*#*#2664#*#* Android Device Touch-Screen test
*#*#0588#*#* Proximity sensor test
*#*#7262626#*#* Device Field test
*#*#232339#*#* Device Wireless Lan Test
*#*#526#*#* Device Wireless Lan Test
*#*#0289#*#* Device Audio test
*#*#0673#*#* Device Audio test
*#*#232331#*#* Device Bluetooth test
*#*#0283#*#* Packet Loopback test
*#*#4636#*#* Display information about Android Phone, Battery and Usage statistics
 *#*#34971539#*#* Shows complete information about the Device camera
*#*#2663#*#* The displays touch-screen version of Android device
*#*#3264#*#* Android Device Ram version*#06# Displays IMEI number
 *#*#232337#*# Displays Bluetooth device address
*#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac-address
*#*#1234#*#* PDA and Device firmware info
*#*#1111#*#* FTA Software version
*#*#2222#*#* FTA Hardware version
*#*#44336#*#* Displays Build time and change list number

Backup & Reset Codes for Tecno Mobile

Secret CodesDescription
*#*#7780#*#* Reset Android device. Erase all your device data like photos, apps, and settings, etc.
*2767*3855# It will also Format all your device data and reinstall Android Device firmware.
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* For a quick backup to all your media files

Other Secret Codes of Tecno Mobile

Secret CodesDescription
*#*#7594#*#* Changing the power button behavior – Enables direct power off once you try this code
*#*#8255#*#* For Google Talk service monitoring
*#*#8351#*#* Enables voice dialing logging mode
*#*#8350#*#* Disables voice dialing logging mode
##778 (+call) Brings up Epst menu
*#*#197328640#*#* Enabling test mode for service activity
*#*#4986*2650468#*#*  PDA, Phone, Hardware, RF Call Date firmware information
*#*#64663#*#* QC test
*#*#225#*#* Calendar
*#*#426#*#* Google Play services
*#*#759#*#* Rlz Debug Ul

Codes to get Firmware version information:
##49862650468##* – PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate
##1234## OR #1234# – PDA and Phone firmware information
#1111## – FTA SW Version (1234 in the same code will give PDA and firmware version)
#12580369# – Software and hardware info
#9090# – Diagnostic configuration in Tecno Mobile
#2222## – FTA HW Version
##44336## – PDA, Phone, CSCThe Customer Service Code (CSC) plays an important role in the operation of your mobile device. Different countries have different standards for both voice and data communiTecnoions to a cell phone tower. Although most countries follow the international standard for WiFi connects, there are variations from the standard. The CSC code ensures that your mobile device complies with the standards for your country, and your cell phone operator. The CSC code also determines the source for firmware updates via FOTA or Samsung Kies. , Build Time, Changelist number

WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:

##232339## OR ##526## OR ##528## – WLAN test (Use “Menu” button to start various tests)
##232338## – Shows WiFi MAC address MAC (Media Access Control), address is a globally unique identifier assigned to network devices, and therefore it is often referred to as hardware or physical address. MAC addresses are 6-byte (48-bits) in length, and are written in MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS format. The first 3-bytes are ID number of the manufacturer, which is assigned by an Internet standards body. The second 3-bytes are serial number assigned by the manufacturer.

##1472365## – GPSThe GPS satellites continuously transmit digital radio signals that contain data on the satellites loTecnoion and the exact time to the earth-bound receivers. The satellites are equipped with atomic clocks that are precise to within a billionth of a second. test

##1575## – For a more advanced GPS test
##232331## – Bluetooth test Bluetooth, the wireless radio technology for short distance mobile communiTecnoions, has become pervasive in mobile computing, used in laptops and headsets as well as popular smart phones such as the BlackBerry, and even in Radio Frequency identifiTecnoion (RFID) readers.

##232337#*# – Shows Bluetooth device address in Tecno Mobile

##8255## – This code can be used to launch GTalk Service Monitor. Gtalk Service Monitor and play services monitor are developer options to let you examine and debug the push connections to google talk and google play services. Below these, the “restore default heartbeats” button lets you bring back the original heartbeat exchange settings if you have to. The final button is about making a donation to the developer of this convenient app. and that is it! now, you are left to experiment with the data and wi-fi settings until you land the most comfortable intervals for you.

##36245## – Access email debug information.

Codes to launch various Factory Tests:
##0283## – Packet Loopback
##0##* – LCD display test
##0673## OR ##0289## – Melody test
##0842## – Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)
##2663## – Touch screen version Tecno Mobile
##2664## – Touch screen test
##0588## – Proximity sensor test
##3264## – RAM version Tecno Mobile

GSM codes for Tecno Mobile
Change PIN PIN code or Personal identifiTecnoion number, numeric password to authentiTecnoe a user of an ATM or credit card. If you suspect that your handset has become blocked, you may need a PUK Code. PUK stands for Personal Unblocking Key. If you have entered your PIN code incorrectly 3 times your sim card will be blocked and you will be unable to make and receive calls/texts. – ** 04 *, then enter the PIN old, and twice a new PIN.
Change PIN2 – ** 042 *, then enter the old The PIN2, and twice the new PIN2.
Unlock SIM-card (PIN) – ** 05 * then enter the PUK and new PIN twice
Unlock SIM-card (PIN2) – ** 052 *, then enter the PUK2 and new PIN2 twice

Call Forwarding (you have to order the service from the operator)
##002# – Cancel all diverts
##004# – Cancel all conditional call forwarding
**004* phone number # – Activate all conditional call forwarding

Diversion in case of “no answer”
###61 – Switch off and deactivate
#61# – Deactivate
**61* phone number# – Enable and Activate
*61# – Activate
*#61# – Check the condition

Unconditional call forwarding (Call Forward All)
###21 – Switch off and deactivate
#21# – Deactivate
**21*phone number# – Enable and Activate
*21# – Activate
*#21# – Check the condition

Setting the call time until the call forwarding option “no answer”
When installing forwarding on “no answer” you can set the time in seconds that the system allows you to hook. If during this time you have not picked up the phone, the incoming call will be diverted.
Example: – **61* + **709576617601234#30 – set the waiting time of 30 seconds
Set timeout – **61* Phone Number **N#, N = 5..30 (seconds)
Remove the previous installation – ##61#

Diversion in case of “not available”
###62 – Switch off and deactivate
#62# – Deactivate
**62*phone number# – Enable and Activate
*62# – Activate
*#62# – Check the condition

Diversion in case of “busy”
###67 – Switch off and deactivate
#67# – Deactivate
**67*phone number# – Enable and Activate
*67# – Activate
*#67# – Check the condition

Call Barring (you have to order the service from the operator)
Change the password for all bans (default – 0000)
– ** 03 * 330 * old password * new password * new password #

Barring of all outgoing calls
**33password# – Activate
password# – Deactivate
*#33# – Check the condition

Barring of all calls
**330password# – Activate
password# – Deactivate
*#330# – Check the condition

Barring of all outgoing international calls
**331password# – Activate
password# – Deactivate
*#331# – Check the condition

Barring of all incoming calls
**353password# – Activate
password# – Deactivate
*#353# – Check the condition

Barring of all outgoing calls
**333password# – Activate
password# – Deactivate
*#333# – Check the condition

Barring all incoming calls when roaming
**351password# – Activate
password# – Deactivate
*#351# – Check the condition

Call waiting (you have to order the service from the operator)
*43# – Activate
#43# – Deactivate
*#43# – Check the condition

Show phone number of the caller you (ANI)
#77# – Block
*77# – Allow
*#77# – Check the condition

Transfer your phone number (Anti ANI)
#30#phone number – Block
*30#phone number – Allow
*#30# – Check the condition: 

Infinix codes

*#06# - IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number

*#*#4636#*#* - Diagnostic and general settings mode Infinix Smart. 4 menus will appear on the phone screen: (Phone information, Battery information, Battery history, Usage statistics) 

*#*#225#*#* - Shows you everything that is saved on your Calendar such as Events, Holidays, Trips, Birthdays, Anniversary
 *#*#426#*#* - Google Play Services app with the information about the connectivity with the FCM server
 *#*#759#*#* - Rlz Debug UI. Unique Device ID, PID, ACAP other data related to application installation.
*#*#36245#*#* - This code show Email debug info 
*#*#8255#*#* - Access GTalk Service Monitor 
*#*#64663#*#* - To launch hardware test (Version, Sim, WLAN, Battery, Radio, Speakers, Bluetooth) 
*#2886# - Factory Auto Testing *#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* OR *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* - To copy and backup media files 
*#*#7780#*#* - Return to factory setting. It'll remove following things: (Downloaded applications, Google account, all data and settings)
*#*#7594#*#* - Change the "End Call / Power" button action in your phone. *#*#34971539#*#* - Infinix Smart Camera Information. 
*#*#97#*#* - Language and Keyboard settings in Infinix Smart
 *#872564# - USB logging control 
*#301279# - HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu *#9900# - System dump mode Infinix Smart *#*#46*#*# - Reset Sim in Infinix Smart *#*#197328640#*#* - Enter service mode to run various tests and change settings
WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes: *#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* - WLAN test (Use "Menu" button to start various tests) 
*#*#232338#*#* - Shows WiFi MAC address *#*#1472365#*#* - Enter to GPS test *#*#1575#*#* - For a more advanced GPS test
 *#*#232331#*#* - To troubleshoot Bluetooth *#*#232337#*# - Shows Bluetooth device address in Infinix Smart GSM codes for Infinix Smart Change PIN code - **04* and enter the old PIN code, and twice a new PIN code. Change PIN2 code - **042* and enter the old PIN2 code, and twice the new PIN2 code. Unlock SIM (PIN) - **05* and enter the PUK code and new PIN code twice Unlock SIM (PIN2) - **052* and enter the PUK2 code and new PIN2 code twice
Call Forwarding (you have to order the service from the operator)
 ##002# Cancel all diverts ##004# Cancel all conditional call forwarding **004* phone number # Activate all conditional call forwarding 
Unconditional call forwarding (Call Forward All)
 ###21 Switch off and deactivate #21# Deactivate **21*phone number# Enable and Activate *21# Activate *#21# Check the condition
 Diversion in case of "no answer"
 ###61 Switch off and deactivate #61# Deactivate **61* phone number# Enable and Activate *61# Activate *#61# Check the condition 
Diversion in case of "not available" ### 62 Switch off and deactivate # 62 # Deactivate ** 62 *phone number# Enable and Activate * 62 # Activate * # 62 # Check the condition
 Diversion in case of "busy" ###67 Switch off and deactivate #67# Deactivate **67*phone number# Enable and Activate *67# Activate *#67# Check the condition 
Call Barring (you have to order the service from the operator)
 Change the password for all bans (default - 0000) - ** 03 * 330 * old password * new password * new password # 
How to bar all outgoing calls
 *33*(enter password)# - Activation code #33*(enter password)# - Deactivation code *#33# - Check Status
 Restrict of all calls *330*(enter password)# - Activation code #330*(enter password)# - Deactivation code *#330# - Check Status
 Block outgoing international calls
 *331*(enter password)# - Activation code #331*(enter password)# - Deactivation code *#331# - Check Status
 How to block all outgoing international calls when roaming
 *332*(enter password)# - Activation code #332*(enter password)# - Deactivation code *#332# - Check Status 
How to block all outgoing calls
 *333*(enter password)# - Activation code #333*(enter password)# - Deactivation code *#333# - Check Status
 How to bar all incoming calls
 *353*(enter password)# - Activation code #353*(enter password)# - Deactivation code *#353# - Check Status 
Restrict all incoming calls when roaming
 *351*(enter password)# - Activation code #351*(enter password)# - Deactivation code *#351# - Check Status
 Call waiting (you have to order the service from the operator)
 *43# - Activation code #43# - Deactivation code *#43# - Check Status 
Transfer your phone number (Anti ANI)
 #30#phone number - Block *30#phone number - Allow *#30# - Check Status
 Show phone number of the caller you (ANI)
 #77# - Block *77# - Allow *#77# - Check Status 

Secret Codes Huawei Mobile

 Code Description
*#06# Displays IMEI number
*#*#225#*#* Calendar Info
*#*#426#*#* Google Play Services
*#*#1357946#*#* EMUI version, Serial Number and Product ID
*#*#2846579#*#* Background Settings, Veneer information, Network Information Query, Software Upgrade, Restore Factory, Battery Charge
*#*#2846#*#* MMI Audio Simple test
*#2846# MMI Manu Normal test

Hardware Test Codes Huawei Mobile

 Codes  Description
*#*#1472365#*#* Quick GPS Test
*#*#1575#*#* A Different Type GPS Test
*#*#0*#*#* Android Device LCD display test
*#*#0842#*#* Vibration and Backlight test
*#*#2664#*#* Android Device Touch-Screen test
*#*#0588#*#* Proximity sensor test
*#*#7262626#*#* Device Field test
*#*#232339#*#* Device Wireless Lan Test
*#*#526#*#* Device Wireless Lan Test
*#*#0289#*#* Device Audio test
*#*#0673#*#* Device Audio test
*#*#232331#*#* Device Bluetooth test
*#*#0283#*#* Packet Loopback test

Software Info Codes Huawei Mobile

 Codes Description
 *#*#34971539#*#* Shows complete information about the Device camera
*#*#2663#*#* The displays touch-screen version of Android device
*#*#3264#*#* Android Device Ram version*#06# Displays IMEI number
 *#*#232337#*# Displays Bluetooth device address
*#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac-address
*#*#1234#*#* PDA and Device firmware info
*#*#1111#*#* FTA Software version
*#*#2222#*#* FTA Hardware version
*#*#44336#*#* Displays Build time and change list number

Reset Codes Huawei Mobile

 Codes Description
*#*#7780#*#* Reset Android device. Erase all your device data like photos, apps, and settings etc.
*2767*3855# It will also Format all your device data and reinstall Android Device firmware.

Backup Code Huawei Mobile

 Codes Description
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* For a quick backup to all your media files

Other Secret Codes Huawei Mobile

 Codes Description
*#*#7594#*#* Changing the power button behavior – Enables direct power off once you try this code
*#*#8255#*#* For Google Talk service monitoring
*#*#8351#*#* Enables voice dialing logging mode
*#*#8350#*#* Disables voice dialing logging mode
##778 (+call) Brings up Epst menu
*#*#197328640#*#* Enabling test mode for service activity
*#*#4986*2650468#*#*  PDA, Phone, Hardware, RF Call Date firmware information
*#*#64663#*#* QC tel

ANDROID secret codes for itel it5020

*#06# - IMEI number
*#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* - Immediate backup of all media files
This code can be used to get some interesting information about itel it5020 and battery. It shows following 4 menus on screen:
* Phone information
* Battery information
* Battery history
* Usage statistics
This code can be used for a factory data reset. It'll remove following things:
* Google account settings stored in your phone
* System and application data and settings
* Downloaded applications
It'll NOT remove:
* Current system software and bundled applications
* SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.
PS: Once you give this code, you get a prompt screen asking you to click on "Reset phone" button. So you get a chance to cancel your operation.
*2767*3855# - Think before you give this code. This code is used for factory format. It'll remove all files and settings including the internal memory storage. It'll also reinstall the phone firmware.
PS: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before giving this code.
*#*#34971539#*#* - This code is used to get information about phone camera. It shows following 4 menus:
* Update camera firmware in image (Don't try this option)
* Update camera firmware in SD card
* Get camera firmware version in itel it5020
* Get firmware update count
WARNING: Never use the first option otherwise your phone camera will stop working and you'll need to take itel it5020 to service center to reinstall camera firmware.
This one is favorite one. This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power" button action in your phone. Be default, if you long press the button, it shows a screen asking you to select any option from Silent mode, Airplane mode and Power off.
You can change this action using this code. You can enable direct power off on this button

Nokia Secret Codes

On the main screen type in:
*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780# reset to factory settings.
*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).
*#0000# To view software version.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
#pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.
*#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)
*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.
*#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart
If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345
Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.
Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin# \
*#7328748263373738# resets security code.
Default security code is 12345
Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and ure phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap. Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits, gr8 for practical jokes! (works with some of the Nokia phones.) Press and hold "0" on the main screen to open wap browser.

Motorola Secret Codes

IMEI number:
Code to lock keys. Press together *7
Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.
Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):
[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []
Add phonebook to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []
Add messages to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 []
Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 []
Eng Field options (main menu):
[] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 []
Slow (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 []
Medium (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 []
Fast (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 []
Enable EFR:
[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 []
Function :
[] [] [] # # # [] 1 []
Change pin:
[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 []
Unblocking using the "puk" number:
[] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 []
There are lots of similar codes exist. If you change the last number to 0 you can deactive that code. The 3 digit number at the middle are from 0 to 999. I put the most interesting codes. (EFR):Enhanced Full Rate Codec.
You can change GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the enginnering model. Following the below steps:
enter menu and press 048263* quickly, then you will enter the secret engineering menu
under "Opcode"
input 10*0*3 for GSM 900
10*0*4 for GSM 1800
10*0*5 for GSM 1900
10*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/1800
10*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900
To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650, press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press 50 and 1 64 1 186 and ok.You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.(not tested)

Sony Ericsson Secret Codes

To get Sony Ericsson Secret Menu:
-> * <- <- * <- * (-> means press joystick, arrow keys or jogdial to the right and <- means left.) You'll see phone model, software info, IMEI, configuration info, sim lock status, REAL time clock, total call time and text labels. You can also test your phones services and hardware from this menu (main display, camera, LED/illumination, Flash LED, keyboard, earphone, speaker, microphone, radio and vibrator tests)

IMEI Number: *#06#
Lockstatus: <- * * <- Shortcut to last dialed numbers: 0# Shortcut to sim numbers: On main menu type a number and press #

If you change the language from default to any other language, then it may be difficult to switch to default language. The shortcut is very simple. Older Ericssons *#0000# & Newer Ericssons <0000> & Also, pressing <8888> on the newer Ericssons changes the language to Automatic. <> stands for right arrow button or joystick.

Copy & Paste when using phonebook:
Go into "Edit contact", and select the Contact
Scroll down to the number you want to cut and paste.
Without selecting it (ie without clicking on the joystick or the yes button) press and hold the * key, and then press the 1 key. When you release both keys, the highlighted number should disappear
Now move to the appropriate entry (eg the "Mob" entry) and press and hold the * key, then press the 3 key. When you release both, the number is pasted into this entry. (1 for cut, 2 for copy and 3 for paste)

If you've cleared your call list you can easily find unsaved dialed no:
Go to Message then Write New & Press yes. Click on Continue. In the menu to let you key in the number to send msg, press the right up key for more menu & you go to the following list.
Phone book, Groups, Sim entries and Unsaved nos.
Select Unsaved nos, there you will see last 10 unsaved number.
Those numbers can't be erased even you clear your entire call list.

LG Mobile Codes

LG all models test mode: Type 2945#*# on the main screen.
2945*#01*# Secret menu for LG
IMEI (ALL): *#06#
IMEI and SW (LG 510): *#07#
Software version (LG B1200): *8375#

Recount cheksum (LG B1200): *6861#

Factory test (B1200): #PWR 668

Simlock menu (LG B1200): 1945#*5101#

Simlock menu (LG 510W, 5200): 2945#*5101#

Simlock menu (LG 7020, 7010): 2945#*70001#

Simlock menu (LG 500, 600): 2947#*


Code to read phone version :

- Phone without SIM

- Enter 277634#*# or 47328545454#

- Select 'SW'

Code to reset phone :

- Phone without SIM

- Enter 277634#*# or 47328545454#

- Select 'Factory Reset'

Code to enter UNLOCK MENU :

- Phone wit SIM inside

- Enter 2945#*88110#

Test Menu 8330 : 637664#*#
Test Menu 8180 V10a: 49857465454#
Test Menu 8180 V11a: 492662464663#
Test Menu 8130-8138: 47328545454#
Test Menu 8110-8120: 277634#*#

China mobile secret codes

default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
Engineer mode: *#110*01#
Factory mode: *#987#
Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
LCD contrast: *#369#
software version: *#800#
software version: *#900#
set default language: *#0000# Send
set English language: *#0044# Send
set English language (new firmware): *#001# Send

Service codes BenQ:
software version: *#300#
test mode: *#302*20040615#
Service codes Pantech:
software version: *01763*79837#
service menu: *01763*476#
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *01763*737381#
Service codes 3xx, 5xx:
software version: *#79#
software version: *#837#
Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000:
software version: *#79#
service menu: *#9998*8336# (hold #)
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *#9998*7328# (hold #)
Service codes LG:
software version: 2945#*#
Service codes Sony-Ericsson:
J100 software version: #82#
Service codes Fly:
2040(i) reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 software version: *#900# Send
SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL300m software version: *#900# Send
SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL500m software version: *#900# Send
MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MP500 software version: *#900# Send
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#
Service codes Konka:
C926 software version: *320# Send
C926 set default language: *#0000# Send
C926 set English language: *#0044# Send
Service codes GStar:
GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineering menu: *#66*#
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#
Service codes Motorola:
Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118 software version: #02#*
C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
C257, C261 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
C168, W220 software version: *#**837#
W208, W375 software version: #02#*
ZTE Mobile1- *938*737381#
unlocking phone code,only press***847# without simcard

E900 software version: *#5002*8376263#
E900 full reset: *2767*3855#
Service codes Spice:
S404 enable COM port: *#42253646633# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
S410 engineer mode: *#3646633#
S900 software version: *#8375#
S900 serial no: *#33778#
Service codes Philips:
S200 enable COM port: *#3338913# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
Service codes “Chinese” models:
default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
Engineer mode: *#110*01#
Factory mode: *#987#
Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
LCD contrast: *#369#
software version: *#800#
software version: *#900#
Service codes BenQ:
software version: *#300#
test mode: *#302*20040615#
Service codes Pantech:
software version: *01763*79837#
service menu: *01763*476#
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *01763*737381#
Service codes VK-Mobile 3xx, 5xx:
software version: *#79#
software version: *#837#
service menu: *#85*364# (hold #)
Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000:
software version: *#79#
service menu: *#9998*8336# (hold #)
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *#9998*7328# (hold #)
Service codes LG:
software version: 2945#*#
KG300 NVRAM format: 2945#*# -> menu 15
Service codes Sony-Ericsson:
J100 software version: #82#
Service codes Fly:
M100 software version: ####0000#
2040(i) reset defaults *#987*99# Send

MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 software version: *#900# Send
SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL300m software version: *#900# Send
SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL500m software version: *#900# Send
MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MP500 software version: *#900# Send
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#
Service codes Konka:
C926 software version: *320# Send
C926 set default language: *#0000# Send
C926 set English language: *#0044# Send
Service codes GStar:
GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineering menu: *#66*#
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#
Service codes Motofone-F3:
Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
***300* Set SIM Pin
***310* / ***311* SIM Pin ON | OFF
***000* Reset Factory settings
***644* Set Voicemail number
***260* / ***261* Auto keypad lock ON | OFF
***510* / ***511* Voice Prompts ON | OFF
***160* / ***161* Restricted Calling (Phonebook only) ON | OFF
***200608* Send: software version
***200606* Send: software version
***200806* Send: flex version
***250* / ***251* Keypad tones ON | OFF
***470* Select time format
***500* /***501* Prepaid Balance Display ON | OFF
***520* Change language
Service codes Motorola:
C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118 software version: #02#*
C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
C257, C261 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
C168, W220 software version: *#**837#
W208, W375 software version: #02#*
and “yes””

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